Thursday, March 10, 2016

BLOG TOUR w/ GIVEAWAY: Deliverance (The Moses Chronicles #2) by H.B. Moore


Experience the life of Moses as never before, following his journey from fugitive of Egypt to prophet of God. In this exhilarating follow-up to H.B. Moore’s biblical dramaThe Moses Chronicles: Bondage, the account of Moses’s flight from Egypt continues. Moses’s life as he knew it is over. He has chosen to stand for his beliefs at the cost of being cast out of his royal home and family. He is free of the wickedness of Egypt, but peace is not to be found, for Moses is as much an aimless wanderer as those in the nomadic tribe he encounters in the wilderness. Exhausted by long weeks of travel, he nevertheless jumps to action when he observes a group of young women accosted by a band of Bedrayan men at a communal well. These lovely daughters of Jethro are grateful for his help, and their Midianite tribe welcomes Moses with open arms. As he learns the ways of the Midianites, his kinship with Jethro grows—as does his admiration of one of Jethro’s daughters, Zipporah. But when Moses suddenly receives a burning call to free the very people he has long oppressed, will he have the courage to return to the land from which he has been exiled?


H. B. Moore captures the both the divine inspiration and guidance that led Moses to become the man that would lead the Hebrews out of slavery while showing his humanity and frailties that marked his journey.  Whenever I read stories based on scripture, I'm always a bit concerned with the fictionalizing parts, simply because the scriptures usually leave out a great deal about individuals such as Moses.  And yet Moses as well as other biblical people both wicked and righteous have such compelling stories, how can we not wonder more about their experiences and personalities.  I admire writers such as Moore who take that leap into the unknown in order to share some of the possibilities.  I especially appreciate it when the story remains as faithful to the scriptural record as possible under the circumstances.  In Deliverance, Moore has created just such a story.  While obviously fictionalized in a lot of ways, the story feels very believable and does follow what little we know about Moses's experiences before he returned to Egypt on the Lord's errand.  I especially enjoyed reading Moses's and Zipporah's love story and imagining what it may have been like.  I think the author has done a fabulous job of doing just that.



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