Monday, September 22, 2014

BLOG TOUR: Star of Deliverance by Mandy Madson Voisin

Star of Deliverance blog tour


Born a slave and outcast, the young healer Emi discovers an ancient disease spreading among her people. Desperate, she races to the Capital for a cure and unwittingly finds herself in a competition to win over the Crown Prince’s heart. Staying in the game provides time to search for a cure, but it may cost Emi her life—or her heart.


Mandy Voisin is a wife, marketer, and author. She graduated from Brigham Young University with a BA in English. Her parents told her she’d never make a living with an English degree, so she’s dedicated the rest of her life to proving them wrong. She loves poetry and babies and her sisters. Mandy currently resides in Phoenix, Ariz., with her husband Kevin who is a sleep deprived medical student with a heart of gold and the world’s best smile. Together they chip away at their dreams.


When I heard this book was a retelling of the Esther story from the Bible, I was immediately interested.  The Esther story has long been one of my favorites.  The story did not disappoint. Emi is a great character who sets out to find a cure for one person and ends up working for her entire people who someone in the castle is determined to destroy.  Ending up in the castle as one of the possible matches for the Crown Prince was not part of the plan, but it might give her the opportunity she needs to help her people. Emi sacrifices a lot to help her people which is admirable and very risky, including leaving her mentor, who is getting on in years, alone to help the sick.  The Crown Prince turns out to be very likable as well, especially as Emi helps open his eyes.  An interesting story that is well-presented and quite enjoyable.

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