by Gale Sears
Deseret Book Company, 2013
LDS Fiction (based on a true story)
Reviewed from copy provided by publisher in return for honest review.
All opinions expressed are solely my own.

Descended from the Hawaiian royal line, Jonathan Napela became one of the first—and most influential—converts to the Church in Hawaii. A man of intelligence, social status, and wealth, he used his considerable position to further the gospel in his native land. He developed a lifelong bond of brotherhood with Elder George Q. Cannon, helping to translate the Book of Mormon into Hawaiian and establish a gathering place for the Hawaiian saints in Laie, Oahu. But when his beloved wife, Kitty, was stricken with leprosy, Jonathan made the defining decision of his life. He would leave his life of privilege to become her caretaker and spend the rest of his life on Molokai, the island of lepers. To those who suffered similar heartbreak and banishment, Jonathan’s self-sacrifice became their lifeline. Based on true story, this is an extraordinary novel of a man who chose love in the face of death.

Gale Sears is an award-winning author, known for her historical accuracy and intensive research. Gale received a BA in playwriting from Brigham Young University and a master’s degree in theater arts from the University of Minnesota. She is the author of the bestselling The Silence of God and several other novels, including The Route, Christmas for a Dollar, Autumn Sky, Until the Dawn, and Upon the Mountains. She and her husband, George, are the parents of two children and reside in Salt Lake City, Utah.
What a story! Full of faith, hope, and charity, the truest and best fruits of the gospel of Jesus Christ, this story reminded me that despite all that is wrong in the world, there is still much that is good. Jonathan is such a great example of the power of love despite the heartache and trials that life can bring. Joining the Mormon or LDS Church (official name: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) has often brought persecution or rejection and always required sacrifice. Jonathan willing makes that sacrifice and dedicates his time and energies to serving the Lord and his family, even when it requires him to sacrifice his home. Truly a book I was sorry to see end because the characters had become like family.
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