by Tamara McClintock Greenberg
Cedar Fort, 2012
ISBN: 9781599559391
Adult Self-Help/Inspirational
Thanks to advances in science and
medicine the lifespan of the average American is now longer than ever
and many illnesses that once would have proven fatal have become
manageable, chronic conditions. Great news, right? Sure, but there is
another side to the 21st Century health picture—and it is increasingly
becoming part of the lives of Americans. Many more people are living
with chronic illness and that means that more than ever family members,
friends, and partners are needed to provide formal or informal support.
The average life expectancy in 1920 was around 54 years of age. Today it is between 76-80, though many of us can expect to live much longer—and to be the official caregiver or part of the care giving team for a loved one. For those of us not involved in formal caregiving roles, it is increasingly vital to know what to do and what to say when someone we know is ill. Knowing how to help is crucial to being able to sustain meaningful relationships in this unchartered time of uncertain longevity.
That’s why Tamara McClintock Greenberg, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating individuals with chronic illness and their families, wrote WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE HAS A CHRONIC ILLNESS: HOPE AND HELP FOR THOSE PROVIDING SUPPORT. In this groundbreaking book McClintock Greenberg shows readers how to provide the best care for their loved ones, without losing themselves.
When family, spouses, and friends are thrust into formal or informal caregiving roles they face a variety of psychological and physical challenges, and they often find themselves with little support and few resources. They also must address difficult issues such as non-compliance, denial, chronic pain and frustration on the part of their struggling loved one. No wonder, then, family members in a caregiver role have higher rates of depression and anxiety than those who aren’t involved in providing care. Vicarious trauma and “compassion fatigue” are common, as are feelings of guilt about having needs of their own and attempts to carve out time for themselves. Self-care can start to seem like a luxury that is out of reach. It’s easy to see how this exacts a steep toll on the caregiver, but new research also tells us that it impacts those being cared for. Studies now show that those who devote sufficient time and energy to their own needs provide better quality care than those who don’t. In other words, we provide better support when we pay attention to our own needs.
So, how can caregivers meet the demands of care giving without sacrificing self-care? Throughout WHEN SOMEONE YOU LOVE HAS A CHRONIC ILLNESS: HOPE AND HELP FOR THOSE PROVIDING SUPPORT McClintock Greenberg offers compassionate, authoritative, and step-by-step help for striking this critical balance. At the end of each chapter readers find a “coping checklist” that provides helpful, no-nonsense guidance on how to best address their loved ones’ needs and their own.
Tamara McClintock Greenberg, Psy.D.,
M.S., a licensed clinical psychologist, works with patients and family
members affected by acute or chronic illness. She is an associate
clinical professor and clinical supervisor at the University of
California, San Francisco Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute. Dr.
Greenberg has written three books and numerous chapters and articles on
aging, illness, as well as issues pertaining to women. She writes for
Psychology Today online and The Huffington Post. She also speaks to
medical, psychological, and public audiences on the impact of illness,
caregiving issues, and dealing with the modern medical system as a
patient or loved one. She is in private practice in San Francisco.
Greenberg earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology at Hamline University in Minnesota and was awarded the prestigious Jacob Markovitz Memorial Scholarship to continue in the doctoral program at the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology. She graduated in 1997 with a doctorate in clinical psychology with a speciality in clinical health psychology.
What is next for you? Any plans for more books?
I just got back from a long vacation and it was the first time
in years that I was not working on a writing related project while I was
traveling. I would like more of those
kinds of vacations.
Find & Follow Tamara McClintock Greenberg on:
WebsitePsychology Today
The Huffington Post
Buy the BOOK at:
Barnes & Noble
A fabulous book with clear explanations and tips for dealing with the illness of a loved one. I highly recommend this book for those dealing with chronic illness either as a patient but especially for those struggling with the illness of a family member or friend. The author points out some of the difficulties encountered in facing illness and some more productive ways to deal with those challenges. I appreciated the summarized tips at the end of each chapter which distill down what is discussed in each chapter.
I especially appreciated Greenberg's summary of the culture of our current health care system and how best to deal with it. For example, she points out that doctors have so many obligations and patients to attend to they generally do not have time to engage in extended discussions about emotional reactions to health problems. She recommends that as either a patient or family member you take the initiative in terms of health care and come into an appointment with questions/concerns clearly in mind to discuss. She suggests treating doctor appointments as business meetings and to prepare accordingly. Great advice to my way of thinking.
The experiences that she shares throughout the book add clarity to the points she makes about the emotions and reactions to illness. The author points out the importance of self-care and facing the emotions associated with chronic illness either as a patient or as a loved one. She explains that the helplessness often felt by those associated with the patient can often lead to further problems if not appropriately directed. I recommend this book for its clear explanations and great advice.
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