Monday, January 12, 2015

WHAT GOOD MEN DO by David S. Baxter


From slavery abolitionist William Wilberforce to Olympic gold medalist Eric Liddell, great men throughout history have left an example for us to look to. Elder David S. Baxter takes a closer look at the characteristics and attributes of good men so that you can apply them too. He acknowledges that there are no perfect men, but the works and attributes of good men have profound effects. There is no end to the good that a man can do!


David Baxter was born in Stirling, Scotland, and became a General Authority of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 2006. He previously worked in senior leadership roles in the telecommunications industry, and on the boards of various UK Government agencies, and holds a BSc degree in economics. In his Church service he has been a bishop, a stake president, a member of a mission presidency, and an Area Seventy. He has served in Church area presidencies in Europe and the Pacific. His early home life was traumatic and disrupted, and in 2009 he underwent surgery to remove two brain tumors. He and his wife, Dianne are the parents of four children and nine grandchildren.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.  The author makes really good points about the need for more good men in the world.  There are plenty of bad men who unfortunately leave their mark, the world needs more good men and it all starts at home.  While there is not such thing as perfect men it is possible to be a good man.  Not only does Baxter talk about the attributes that good men possess (faith, integrity, etc), how to create a good man (good examples, following Christ, etc), but he also shares examples of some good men who made a difference in the world.  He includes William Wilberforce who spent 50 years trying to outlaw slavery, Eric Liddell who changes sports during the Olympics so he didn't have to run on Sunday, and Raoul Wallenberg who sacrificed everything to save Hungarian Jews during World War II.  After giving brief profiles, Baxter shares what he sees as making them the good men they were and how we can do the same. Then he talks about the best man of all, Jesus Christ, and how he is such an example.  A wonderful read that is inspiring for both men and women and a reminder that good men are vitally important.

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