by Cami Checketts
Birch River Publishing, 2012
ISBN13: 9781475166606
Romantic Suspense
Cassidy Christensen is running. Running from the mercenaries who killed her parents. Running from a scheming redhead intent on making her life miserable. Running from painful memories that sabotage her dreams of happiness. With two very tempting men competing for her attention, she hopes she'll finally have someone to run to, but can she trust either of them? When secrets from her past threaten her family, Cassidy decides to stop running and fight for her future.
Kindle (only $.99)

Cami Checketts is an idealist who dreams of helping children around the world
but can't keep up with the four in her own home. Cami lives in a beautiful
valley in Northern Utah where she enjoys running, biking, and swimming during
the two months of the year it isn't snowing. A portion of the proceeds from
Cami's books will be donated to The Child & Family Support Center. For more
information on this worthy cause, please go to www.cachecfsc.org.
When Cassidy finds herself the winner of an entry into the St. George marathon she is anything but ecstatic. After all she only entered the 5K because her sister-in-law challenged her too. But when she realizes that Damon, a handsome fellow runner, is wanting to train with her, she reconsiders. Although she finds herself unable to forget the tattooed doctor who assisted her after the 5K. But when it appears that secrets from her murdered parents past have come back to haunt her, she is left not knowing who to trust. Exactly what had her parents been doing in Mexico when they were killed? Can she trust the handsome Damon? What about Jesse who won't even tell her his last name let alone take her on a date? And what about the irritating red-head who keeps turning up? And when a family member is deliberately injured can she find the courage to face the unthinkable?
I really enjoyed reading this book. Cassidy was a delight to read about with her sardonic wit and honest nature. I especially enjoyed the funny names she came up with to describe people, like Hot Redhead or Dr. Tattoo. I enjoyed Cassidy's interactions with her sister-in-law, Raquel, who seems to be the only one who thinks Cassidy can run the marathon. With plenty of humorous moments as well as suspense, I found the book moved along at a quick pace with lots of twists and turns and little surprises to keep me satisfied. The only problem I had with the book is that I didn't want it to end when it did. I wanted to know more about what happened to the characters afterward. Hmmm, maybe there will be a sequel? I can only hope so.
Learning to Run
I inched down another
stair, hoping the soft creaks wouldn’t give me away to whoever was arguing in
my living room. My dad was visiting me this week, gathering medical supplies
for another one of his projects. I’d been gracious and allowed him to host his
meetings in my living room. The support from the medical community in our
little corner of Northern Utah was actually impressive, but did one of the
doctors have to show up in the middle of the night?
I was in that luscious
almost-asleep phase when I heard the banging on my front door and crawled out
of bed. Irritation turned to fear as I listened to the conversation. The man
threatening Dad wasn’t one of his supporters.
“You interfered with
the wrong shipment this time.”
“Shipment?” Dad asked. “These are human beings, not some profit
I reached the bottom
step and peeked around the wall. My dad stood near the fireplace with a mixture
of shock and revulsion on his sunburned face.
Just inside the front
door, a man peeked out from the shadow of a hooded sweatshirt. He yanked out a
wicked-looking blade. I covered my mouth to stifle the scream. My stomach
knotted. My legs felt like ice. I didn’t know if I could move, let alone help.
The knife sailed
through the air. My father darted to the side. The blade jabbed into his upper
arm. Dad yelped. The pain in his face lodged in my own gut. He grabbed at his
arm and yanked the knife out, spraying the wall with blood. My dad’s blood. Help.
I had to do something.
The hooded figure closed
the distance and wrenched the weapon from dad’s fingers, lifting it above his
“No!” I leapt from my
hiding spot, grabbed a heavy picture frame off the end table, and smacked the
man with it.
“Cassidy!” Dad inhaled
quickly, hazel eyes widening.
The attacker knocked
the picture frame out of my hands and pointed the bloody knife my direction. Dark
eyes swept over the skin not covered by my t-shirt and cut-off sweats. I
squirmed, his look scaring me as much as his knife. I backed up a step, eyes
focused on the blade.
My dad planted himself between
me and the man.
The man’s white teeth
flashed against leathery skin. “She’s beautiful, Doc.” His tongue darted across
his lower lip. “The dark hair and pretty brown eyes. Looks just like her mom.”
Dad held up his
uninjured arm and shoved me behind him, his breath coming in ragged gulps.
“Leave her out of this, Panetti.”
Panetti cocked his head to the side. “I’m
supposed to kill you, but I could bring her in alive for some extra
compensation. How old are you, sweetheart?”
I glared at him over my
dad’s shoulder. “Twenty-one and going nowhere with you. Get out of my house
before I call the police.” It was a lame threat since I was visibly shaking and
had no clue where my phone was.
The man threw back his
head and laughed. “I like her, a bit of attitude. Ramirez and I will both enjoy
I swallowed the
sickening taste of his threat. Sweat trickled down my spine. I clung to my injured
dad, who was currently no match for this psycho. How could I protect either of us?
“You’ll never touch
her.” Dad pushed me toward the kitchen doorway. “I can’t believe you would betray
the children for Ramirez.”
“Not for Ramirez. I
betrayed the children for lots and lots of money.” Panetti revealed his perfect
teeth again.
Dad looked back at me.
“Run,” he whispered.
I swallowed, trying to
catch my breath. No matter how scared I was I couldn’t leave him.
“Run, Cassie!” He shoved
me and faced the madman.
Panetti let out a
warrior cry and lunged with the knife. Dad ducked. The blade sliced air instead
of flesh, throwing Panetti off balance. Dad plowed into the man’s abdomen,
knocking him into the front door. I screamed, running towards them to try to
“Get out of here,” Dad
Stumbling away from the
fight, I slammed into the wall. A yell of pain from my dad forced me to keep
moving. I ran into the kitchen and nearly collapsed with relief when I saw my
phone. Placing all
my hopes and prayers on three numbers, I stilled my trembling hands enough to
dial: 9-1-1.
The call
connected. “A guy is trying to kill my dad!” Grunts and the sound of bodies
slamming into furniture reassured me Dad was still alive. I told the dispatcher
my address, but then she started asking more questions.
“I’ve got to
help my dad.”
“Officers are
en route.”
“Good!” I clung
to the phone but stopped listening as I sprinted back into the living room. Dad
was on top of Panetti. The knife was on the floor, Panetti reaching for it. I
covered the last couple of feet, kicked the knife farther away, and stomped on
his hand with my bare foot. Pain radiated up through my leg but I heard a
crunch that hopefully meant I did some damage. How awful that I really wanted
to hurt him.
I held up my
phone. “The police will be here any second.”
Dad strained to
keep Panetti pinned. “Go back to the kitchen.”
“I am not going to the kitchen while you fight
for your life.”
“Cassidy,” Dad
groaned. “For once in your life listen to me.”
Panetti shoved
Dad off of him. Dad banged his injured arm against the sofa, blood mingling
with the leather finish as he yelped in pain. Panetti leaped to his feet,
pushed me out of the way, and ran for the front door. Dad struggled to stand
up. I regained my footing and hurried after Panetti, but Dad grabbed my arm
before I got outside, allowing Panetti to disappear into the darkness.
“We should go
after him,” I said.
“Not tonight.”
Dad shut the front door and slid to the floor, clutching his bleeding arm.
“I’ll find him.” The sheer determination in his eyes made me glad I wasn’t
“That guy wasn’t
one of your Mexican orphanage supporters.”
Dad laughed, patting
the floor next to him.
I clenched my
hands together to stop the shaking. A few more deep breaths and I might feel
like I wasn’t going to pass out. “You need something for the blood.”
He reached up a
hand to me. “I’ll be okay. It’s you I’m worried about.” I sank next to him and
threw my arms around his neck. My entire body was trembling now. Dad patted my
back and whispered that I was safe. It was exactly what I needed to hear, but still
had a hard time believing. Several minutes later I could hear sirens
approaching the house. I wiped at my nose and bit my lip to hold back more
tears. “Someday you’re going to tell me what that was all about.”
Dad shook his
head. “Hopefully you’ll never know.”
Thank you so much Heidi! Today has been one of those crazy and frustrating days and this review is like sunshine, chocolate, and happy children all rolled together. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYes, the sequel is coming soon. It has been so much fun to write more Cassidy, she cracks me up!
Thank you again,