Ten little disciples walking in a line.
One stops to lend a hand...
now there are nine!
along as ten little disciples practice serving others and loving like
Jesus in this rhyming, counting tale of true discipleship.
Sierra Wilson is the author of several books for children including
I Can Be Like Jesus, The Atonement of Jesus Christ is for Me, and
Standout Saints: Church History Heroes from Around the World. She lives
in Alberta, Canada with her wonderful husband, four kids, two cats, two
fish, and a bearded dragon. She loves hiking, skiing, working with
children, and trying every day to be a better little disciple.
Social Media/Contact Info:
website: www. sierrawilsonauthor.com
facebook: www.facebook.com/ sierrawilsonwrites
IG: @sierra.arts.poems
Twitter: @SierraTWilson
This adorable picture book not only teaches counting down from 10 to 0, but also demonstrates in a sweet way what a disciple of Jesus Christ looks like in terms of following his teachings. The text runs smoothly and makes for easy reading. The illustrations show the disciples on their journey as one by one they stop to help people along the way. Eventually they meet up again to listen to the Savior teach. This is a cute book, perfect for helping children learn about what following Jesus Christ really means. Several scriptures describing some of Jesus' teachings are included at the end.
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