Sometimes we wonder how, with so many people on earth, we matter to God. Like birdsongs in a city of sounds, answers to our prayers are easy to miss—unless we’re listening. Through inspiring personal stories, scripture, and prose, Heaven’s Just A Prayer Away answers many questions about communicating with and drawing closer to Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven.
Here is a brief description of the book:
“Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let they heart be full of thanks unto God.” –Alma 37:37Before we came to earth, we lived in heavenly realms. We knew our Heavenly Father. We walked and talked with Him. We heard His voice. We felt His love. In Heaven’s Just a Prayer Away, beloved author Diony George teaches us how to reestablish that relationship with Him here on earth.
With the help of this book you will:
• Learn that nothing is too small or unimportant to discuss with Heavenly FatherThe inspirational and enlightening experiences found within these pages will change your life forever by strengthening your relationship with God and filling your life with peace, teaching us that heaven really is just a prayer away.
• Find peace and contentment through daily communication with God
• Gain a better understanding of why some prayers seem to go unanswered
• Develop a greater knowledge of the power of prayer
Praise for Heaven's Just A Prayer Away:
"Heaven’s Just a Prayer Away is
a sweet, heartfelt book with author Diony George’s personal experiences
intermixed with compelling stories about how prayer can shape our
lives. I found myself either smiling or teary-eyed as I immersed myself
in the stories, reminded that prayer is healing and sanctifying, prayer
can bring inspiration, prayer can ease burdens, and prayer lets us feel
the love of God for ourselves and those around us.
—Heather B. Moore, author of Christ’s Gifts to Women
"In Heaven’s Just a Prayer Away,
Diony provides a comprehensive discussion on prayer through inspiring
stories, basic principles, and heartfelt testimony. Her personal
approach makes answers to prayer and divine blessings seem more within
—John McConkie, stake president
Prayer is such a personal topic that it can be hard to talk about, but that doesn't hinder Diony George from writing a wonderful book on the topic. Using both personal experiences, short stories, and quotes she covers the topic in a brief but powerful way. Communicating with God can be such a wonderful thing if one takes the time and puts in the effort to do so. Highly recommended.
1 print copy (US/Canada) OR 1 ecopy INTERNATIONAL
Ends 8/9/2013
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